Account Fees

Effective Date: 1/21/20251



Checking Account

Monthly Maintenance Fee

Per Item Fee (Checks, Teller Cashed Items, and Another Chance Items)

First 50 Items Per Statement Period

After First 50 Items Per Statement Period



Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Fee

NSF Fee Free Day3

NSF Fee Free Day3 Exhausted



Overdraft Transfer Service4 Fee

Zard Checking Account

Monthly Maintenance Fee

Per Item Fee (Checks, Teller Cashed Items, and Another Chance Items)

First 50 Items Per Statement Period

After First 50 Items Per Statement Period



Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Fee

NSF Fee Free Day3

NSF Fee Free Day3 Exhausted



Overdraft Transfer Service4 Fee

CashPoints® Global Account

Monthly Maintenance Fee
$1 (if there is a balance in the account on the statement date)

Share (Savings) Account, FAT CAT® Share, Zard Share, Money Market Share Accounts

Monthly Maintenance Fee: Share5
Monthly Maintenance Fee: FAT CAT Share
Monthly Maintenance Fee: Zard Share5
Monthly Maintenance Fee: Money Market Share6

IRA and SEP Accounts

Monthly Maintenance Fee7

Card & ATM Fees

ATM Fees (For Using GKCU-Issued Debit Cards)

ATM Fee for Using CashPoints® ATM
ATM Fee for Using Visa®/PLUS® ATM8 (Completed Transaction)
ATM Fee for Using Visa/PLUS ATM9(Attempted and Denied Transaction)

Debit Card Fees (Visa and CashPoints Debit Cards)

Debit Card Replacement
International Transaction10
Debit Card Issue/Reissue11
Debit Card Rush Delivery
Debit Card PIN Rush Delivery

Credit Card Fees12

Balance Transfer
Cash Advance12
ATM Transaction13
International Transaction10
Late Payment
Up to $10
Card Replacement
Over Limit
Card Reissue
Card Rush Delivery

Miscellaneous Services Fees

(Services Provided to Members Only)

Copies of Items or Images14 (e.g., checks, statements, etc.)
Up to $1 each
Cashier’s Check Purchase15
Incoming Wire
Outgoing Domestic Wire
Outgoing International Wire
Notary Service
Coin Redemption

1 Fees subject to change daily at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
2 Each member (personal and non-profit entity) must pay a one-time $5 membership fee. Membership fee is charged when member’s first Share Account is opened (FAT CAT and Zard Share Accounts are exempt from this fee). Members opening a first Share Account jointly must each pay a one-time $5 membership fee. This $5 fee amount is paid to the Credit Union and is not deposited to the Account.
3 NSF Fee Free Day is the first day of a calendar year in which NSF Fees would otherwise be incurred.
4 See our Account Rules and Regulations and our Overdraft Transfer Service Terms and Conditions for more information.
5 No fee if the account has a minimum balance of $5 on the statement date.
6 No fee if the account maintains a minimum balance of $250.
7 No fee if the account has a minimum balance of $25 on the statement date.
8 When you use a non-CashPoints ATM, the owner/operator of the ATM or any network used may also charge you fees.
9 When you use a non-CashPoints ATM, the ATM owner/operator may charge a fee for a balance inquiry even if you do not complete a monetary transaction.
10 Visa applies a fee to any international transaction. The fee is 1% of the U.S. dollar amount of the international transaction. An international transaction includes (a) any transaction made in a foreign country, and (b) any transaction made or processed outside of the United States. For more information regarding international debit card transactions, see the Supplemental Terms and Conditions for GKCU Visa Debit, CashPoints, and CashPoints Global Cards, which is a supplement to the Account Rules and Regulations. For more information regarding international credit card transactions, see our Credit Cardholder Agreement. Your Supplemental Terms and Conditions for GKCU Visa Debit, CashPoints, and CashPoints Global Cards and the Credit Cardholder Agreement can be found on our Account Disclosures page.
11 FAT CAT and Zard cards are exempt from this fee.
12 Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances as of 1/21/2025 is 11.75%. The rate is variable and subject to change. Interest begins to accrue on purchases and balance transfers from the day the transaction is added to the daily balance and continues to accrue until the total amount owed is paid. You can avoid paying interest on purchases and balance transfers if you pay the entire balance for the prior billing cycle by the payment due date in the current billing cycle. You cannot avoid paying interest on cash advances. Interest begins to accrue on cash advances at the time of transfer.
13 For each financial transaction at a CashPoints, Visa or PLUS ATM.
14 $0 for member-requested copies in connection with audits and court orders, $0 for other copy requests of 10 items or less, $1 per item for other copy requests after the first 10 items, except as prohibited by law. Checks and statements can also be viewed and printed from Connect GKCU for 24 months [checks] and 18 months [statements] at no charge.
15 Fee waived for any check in the amount of $500 or more.